PCS Transition Overview

IPX is transitioning its recordkeeping business for retirement plans and IRAs to PCS Retirement.

Key Dates You Need to Know

March 6, 2024
AdvisorTrust became the custodian.
April 19, 2024 to April 21, 2024
To facilitate a smooth and seamless transition, access to IRA and participants’ accounts will not be available during this time. Investment directions, transfers, distributions, and other requests will not be processed during this brief “blackout” period.
April 22, 2024
Online access will be available for the Plan.

I Want to Access My Existing Retirement Account

IPX® Workplace Retirement Account

Login or Enroll in
Employer Plan

Investment Provider Xchange®

I Want to Access My IRA Account


Log In to Your IPX IRA

IPX Recordkeeping – Institutional Support

IPX recordkeeping platform, including employer plans and the IPX IRA


Email Address


For help with:

Contributions [email protected] 720-739-4665 Incoming Deposits and allocation of deposits
Enrollment [email protected] 720-739-4711 Enrollment paperwork, beneficiary updates, name/status updates
New Plan Setup / Express Enroll [email protected] 720-739-4855 Payroll slot setup, Plan Setup, Conversions, Express/Quick Enroll Enrollments
Incoming Transfers / Exchange / Rollovers (TERs) [email protected] 720-900-2909 Individual participant transfers, exchange and rollovers into the IPX recordkeeping platform
Outgoing Distributions / Transfers [email protected] 720-900-2769 Individual distributions and loan requests
Advisor Support [email protected] Financial advisor support questions


Contributions Department

Email [email protected]
Fax 720-739-4665
For help with… Incoming Deposits and allocation of deposits


Enrollment Department

Email [email protected]
Fax 720-739-4711
For help with… Enrollment paperwork, beneficiary updates, name/status updates


New Plan Setup / Express Enroll Department

Email [email protected]
Fax 720-739-4855
For help with… Payroll slot setup, Plan Setup, Conversions, Express/Quick Enroll Enrollments


Incoming Transfers / Exchange / Rollovers (TERs) Department

Email [email protected]
Fax 720-900-2909
For help with… Individual participant transfers, exchange and rollovers into the IPX recordkeeping platform


Outgoing Distributions / Transfers Department

Email [email protected]
Fax 720-900-2769
For help with… Individual distributions and loan requests


Advisor Support Department

Email [email protected]
Fax n/a
For help with… Financial advisor support questions